Implant Supported Denture
If you have a complete lower denture, you may be struggling to keep the denture in place. Upper dentures usually stay in place fairly well, but lower dentures cause patients may troubles. Dental implants placed in the lower jaw can help provide additional support for a denture. A denture can attach via “clips” to a bar which fastened over the implants. A denture may also attach to round “ball-type” abutments with “o-ring” attachments. With a well retained denture, your chewing function will greatly improve.

Not only will the implants help you function with your denture, but they also help maintain the bone in your jaw. With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to deteriorate. As the bone is lost, it becomes even more difficult to wear a lower denture. Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.

In the long term, implant supported dentures can be more esthetic than conventional dentures. The loss of bone that accompanies conventional dentures leads to a collapsed, unattractive smile.